Published on: December 05, 2024
"Find a reason to wake up early daily: For not oversleeping, to be successful, build a house, save for kids, study on topics I really wanted to, build something, do something that changes this world a better place."
"See sunrise and sunset daily, no matter what happens, even if world is going to end."
"Find a way to avoid distraction from phone, notifications and many other means of distraction."
"Prepare a list! Important to focus on today. What's important to the moment."
"Get an hour of sunlight every day between 7 to 10 am. Take 30 minute walks or other exercise daily."
"Wake up at 6am and sleep at 10pm, focus on what's required to achieve this."
"Appreciate life more than what you can think of."
"The energy is abundance in nature, breath in, 123456, hold, 123, breath out, 123456, hold, 123, continue this, see where you reach!"
"Love family in a better way, be with them more than what they deserve."
"Not to do list! Like multitasking, task switching is not good."
"The art of music is love, that's what the art is, to show the beauty and love."
"When you wake up, do some stretching."
"I should have my food on time, never miss or delay, delay everything else except food, it's really important. Never let your stomach wait, it works fine only when you eat on time and properly."
"Gradually do a 30 minutes meditation after shower."
"I want to connect with nature more often than before. The main restrictions of small space is restricting in creativity. That's the reason to get out in nature is important to be more creative."
"Note down and immediately process any negative thoughts, immediately remove such negative thoughts and always have positive thoughts."
"I had this question, what's the purpose of all these app building or life in general, but the importance is that, I can touch many lives as I grow."
"If you are ready to be strong and nothing can shake you."
"Helping hands to lift the pace, a life lifted with no greedy."
"A clean space is a clean mind, I'm just sending out some good energy to everyone."
"Reflect on what went wrong, but don't hold it too long. Write it down, clear it off."
"Explore, be a child, go back to birth, to the first light, start again."
"The universe will push you further to check your limits, push back and show you are learning. It will get better from there."
"Take the first step and next few steps becomes easier when you start reaping the results of the first step."
"Document your life, otherwise you will forget why you started. Extract lessons to avoid repetition."
"Delegate responsibilities when possible; focus on the bigger picture."
"You cannot control everything; focus on what truly matters."
"The book isn't written, the next page is still blank, write it. You'll always have a new page to write. Don't just leave the book empty."
"Each moment of success is a step toward greatness."
"Wisdom comes from observing, sharing, and growing together."
"The journey to others begins with love for oneself."
"Drink a glass of water every morning upon waking to energize your body."