
Praveen Kumar @PraveenInPublic

I finally decided to share my journey.

I was sharing my learnings here on X,

and many were asking me to share my story and learnings.

I used to say "Yes", but,

I held onto a thought that it wasn't anything special or unique.

Thanks to @mattsimass for making me reflect and realize the special nature in my story.

Going further, I will be talking more about:

How I became a CTO of a startup,

from being a self-taught programmer.

How I used lucid dream to accelerate learning,

and launched a community of 10k+ users 13 years ago.

How I am consistently being a Indie hacking for 13+ years.

I will also be talking about my current state and future plans.

I hope to keep it enjoyable and insightful.

(2011, That's me on the picture that's when my career started, I just jumped from a very high, just for fun.)

Been a risk taker my whole life.

Never stopped taking risks, and will never stop.

04:03 PM ยท Sep 19, 2024 1500 views
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