Wanna know the secret to grow your account on twitter?
Here you go. This is how I’m doing.
Being an indiehacker, it’s important to hold a certain amount of audience in your hand, to share your product upon launch.
Don’t think 100 followers are smaller, they are not. You don’t have to follow viral on day 1 and gain 10k followers in a month. First is you need to satisfy those 100 followers, so they speak about you to your next 10k followers. That should be the goal.
It’s a humble start, It will just get better from here.
PS: If you are an indiehacker and currently in a dilemma whether you have to stop working on your product or whether your product will make money or not, I can jump on a call to help you brainstorm next steps for free. DM me or comment on this post.
I have built 20+ indie products and failed, but I recently changed my mindset and started generating revenue.